Samsung S Pen vs Apple Pencil: Which is Best for Drawing?
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A very important consideration when looking for a tablet for drawing is what the native pens are like.

This article considers the Apple Pencil vs Samsung Pen to help you decide which is the best for your needs in terms of accuracy, usability and design.

iPad vs Laptop: PROS and CONS
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If you’re unsure about whether to get an iPad or laptop then this article is for you. This covers the complete pros and cons of the iPad vs laptop. helping you to find which is best for your use case.

Wacom Cintiq vs iPad Pro (FULL Comparison)
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Compare the Wacom Cintiq vs iPad Pro in an article that examines the differences between these two tablets.

Although the iPad Pro is a standalone tablet, many artists use it for screen mirroring, meaning that it is comparable to the Cintiq.