How to Clear Cache on LG Smart TV (The EASY Way!)

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There’s no one setting that will allow you to clear the cache on your LG Smart TV, but it is still possible to fully clear the cache and memory using a few different menus.

The easiest way to clear the cache is to turn your TV off and on, as this empties all files in flash memory.

If you’re having a problem with a slow TV or you’re getting out of memory errors though, you will need to manually remove the temporary files clogging up your cache, with full details on how to do this below.

how to clear cache on lg smart tv

How to Clear Cache on LG Smart TV

Ways to Clear Cache LG TV
Power Cycle Your TV Power cycling your TV clears flash memory and any cache within it.
Delete WebOS Browsing Data Remove the WebOS cache from its settings page.
Clear App Cache You can clear the cache for a specific app, such as Disney Plus or Youtube through the Application Manager.
Factory Reset A more extreme option, but a factory reset will completely clear your TV’s cache.

Whether you’ve got an LG Nano TV, a G4, V10 or any other model, the steps to clear the cache are broadly the same.

Full details for each of the steps are below.

1. Power Cycle your LG TV

Power cycling your TV will clear out any issues with non-permanent memory, clear your cache and reset your main board without losing your personal settings.

This is quick and painless and won’t cause you to lose any of your saved settings.

  1. Switch off and unplug your TV.
  2. Hold down the physical power button on the TV for at least 15 seconds.
  3. Wait for at least 30 minutes for any residual power to drain from the TV’s capacitors (which are capable of storing charge for several minutes).
  4. Plug your TV back in and try switching it on. You should see a red light blinking if you have been successful.
lg tv power button
The LG TV power button is often on the side of the TV

Make sure you do wait for the full 30 minutes before plugging your TV back in – you would be surpised how long the components within your TV can hold charge, and you want to make sure it has fully reset.

Although this seems a very basic step, don’t overlook it because in the vast majority of cases a simple soft reset fixes most issues relating to speed that could be caused by caching issues.

2. Delete WebOS Browser Cache

Your WebOS browser has its own cache that can interfere with the smooth running of your TV over time.

Clearing this cache will remove all browsing data, such as history and cookies.

To clear the WebOS browser cache:

  1. Open the Web Browser from your Home screen.
lg tv webos
  1. Click on the three dots to open the menu.
lg tv webos menu
  1. Go to Settings.
lg tv webos settings
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings page and click Clear All Browsing Data.
lg tv webos clear browsing data

3. Clear App Cache

If you want to clear the Disney Plus cache, the Youtube cache or the Hulu cache on your LG Smart TV because those apps are becoming slow and unresponsive, you can do this from the Application Manager.

To clear cache for any app on your LG TV:

  1. From the Home screen, open Settings.
  2. Then System Settings.
  3. Start the Application Manager.
  4. You now have a list of all apps installed on your TV.
  5. Find your Youtube, Disney Plus, Hulu or other app, select it, then click Clear cache to clear that one specific app’s cache.

Part of the reason why apps like Youtube can become slow on LG TVs over time is that when you exit the app, it usually does not shut down fully.

If you fully close your apps after use, then you are unlikely to see any slowdown and probably won’t need to clear the cache again.

To fully close apps on an LG TV:

  1. With the app open, press the three dots button on your remote.
lg tv remote three dots button
  1. This will bring up the action menu.
  2. Simply click Quit App and it will fully close, emptying the cache.

You can see that in action in the video below.

4. Factory Reset Your LG TV

Returning your TV back to its factory settings is a more extreme step, as it will delete any personalization features, downloaded apps or connected devices, but it definitely will make sure your entire cache is cleared.

To factory reset an LG Smart TV:

  1. Press the Home button on your remote and go to All Settings.
  2. Then General.
  3. And System (or skip to the next step on older models).
  4. Choose Reset to inital settings.
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions and hit Confirm.
  6. Enter your PIN, which by default is 0000 (four zeroes) or 1234 for some LG models.
  7. Then select Restart in the popup.
lg tv factory reset

To reset an LG TV without the remote:

  1. Hold down the TV’s Power Button for 10 seconds, which will be underneath the screen on on the side.
  2. Use the Vol + or – or Channel + or – to scroll to Menu.
  3. Go to All Settings.
  4. Then General.
  5. And Reset.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions and hit Confirm.
  7. Enter your PIN, which by default is 0000 (four zeroes) or 1234 for some LG models.
  8. Then select Restart in the popup.

If you have changed your LG TV’s PIN and can’t remember what it is:

  1. Press the Home button on your remote and go to All Settings.
  2. Then Support.
  3. Go to Advanced Settings.
  4. Then Safety.
  5. And Reset Password.
  6. On your remote, press Channel Up twice, then Channel Down once, followed by Channel Up once.
  7. Put 0313 in the box.
  8. Then 0000.
  9. Then choose a new PIN that you can remember.

LG TV Support and Warranty

You can check your warranty information direct with LG.

Unfortunately, warranties typically only last a year unless you have already paid to extend it.

Because tv problems can occur at any time, if your TV is under one year old, return your TV under warranty and get it fixed.

You can use the LG support site to help diagnose your problem, but if you are at this stage, then you are better off calling them direct on:

  • 850-999-4934 or 843-243-0000 (Mon. – Sun., 8am – 9pm EST)

You can also email them directly, or even email the president of LG customer care!

Even if LG won’t fix your TV, they might still offer you a discount off a future model if you pester them hard enough! This is always worth a try in my experience.

How to Clear Cache on LG TV: Conclusion

  • Power cycling your TV is the simplest way to clear flash memory and empty the cache.
  • You can reset browsing data in the WebOS browser if that is running slowly.
  • Out of memory errors with apps like Youtube, Disney Plus or Hulu can be fixed by clearing their cache from the Application Manager.
  • Make sure you close apps fully in future to stop them using up all of your TV’s memory.
  • A factory reset is the ultimate way to clear your TV’s memory.

I’m confident that these steps will fix your TV, although the later steps do require a bit more effort than the earlier ones.

If you need any further help, then I suggest contacting LG support directly, or post a comment below and I’ll see what I can do to help.

And if you’ve tried all of these steps and still can’t get your TV to work properly, then it may be worth looking at one of the most highly rated new TVs.

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Hi, I'm Tim Daniels, photographer and photo trainer, founder of Lapse of the Shutter and creator of the totally free Lightroom Develop System. I've travelled to (probably) 30 countries over the last few years, taking photos and licensing them around the world, and creating lots of free photography learning resources. Read More ...

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