XGIMI Horizon Ultra vs Pro (Hands-On Comparison)
Compare the XGIMI Horizon Ultra and Horizon Pro in this comprehensive look at two of the top 4K projectors from one of the market-leading brands.
Compare the XGIMI Horizon Ultra and Horizon Pro in this comprehensive look at two of the top 4K projectors from one of the market-leading brands.
Real-world tests of the XGIMI Horizon Ultra projector to show you where it excels and who should get it.
The XGIMI Horizon Pro reviewed after thorough hands-on testing. Is this the best 4K projector?
Compare the XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro vs Elfin in this hands-on test of both portable projectors. See all the differences and similarities.
The XGIMI MoGo 2 Pro is one of the latest models of portable projector, reviewed here in full with my real world tests.
This Xgimi Elfin review covers everything you should care about when looking for a highly portable projector. See how the Elfin stacks up in real world tests, and whether it is good value for money.
What’s the best laser projector? Find out in this comprehensive article looking at 1080p and 4K laser projectors, and considering both long throw and ultra short throw models.
See the real difference between QHD vs WQHD in this comprehensive article that clears up a lot of the misinformation regarding these two resolutions, and see which is best for you.
Before you can choose your ideal monitor for photo editing or gaming, you need to understand what the ideal resolution for it is.
Should you care about the number of pixels or refresh rate, and what about their effects when combined with monitor size? This article has all the answers on 1440p vs 4K.
Deciding on a projector or OLED TV can be fraught, as both offer a differing viewing experience, and their own pros and cons.
This article investigates the difference between projectors vs OLED, and helps you decide you which is best for you.